Can Chainsaw Cut Metal? Discover What You Can Cut With A Chainsaw!

No, a chainsaw cannot cut metal. A chainsaw is designed to cut through wood, and the blade is not strong enough to cut through metal. If you try to use a chainsaw to cut metal, the blade will quickly become dull and damaged.

Can chainsaw cut metal? This is a question that we get asked a lot, and unfortunately, the answer is no. Chainsaws are designed to cut through wood, and while they may be able to make small cuts in metal, they will not be able to handle anything more than that.

If you’re looking to cut through metal, you’ll need to use a different tool.

Can A Chainsaw Go Through Metal?

What Happens When a Chainsaw Hits Metal?

Regardless of what type of chainsaw you own, any chainsaw that comes in contact with metal will damage the chain. When a chainsaw hits metal, the saw can stall and stop. The potential for destruction is even higher if you’re using an electric chainsaw that lacks enough torque to compensate for the added resistance it encounters from metal.

In addition to the chain, metal can also damage the bar of your chainsaw. These damages could cost you hundreds of dollars to fix, so if you need to cut through metal or other types of tough material, use a saw designed specifically for this task.

If the saw is moving too fast when it hits metal, however, it can cause the chainsaw to kick back violently. This can happen even if the operator is experienced and using proper safety precautions. When a chainsaw kicks back, it can hit the operator in the face or head, causing serious injuries.

What kind of metal can a chainsaw cut?

The last thing you want is to take out your chainsaw and try to cut through metal only to find out it cannot handle the pressure. Depending on the type of chainsaw you own and the metal you are trying to cut, this is a very real possibility.

There are three types of metals that most people attempt to cut with their chainsaws: thin pieces of tin, steel, and rebar.

As mentioned above, each one of these metals is unique and requires a special approach.

  • Thin pieces of tin– This is the easiest metal to cut through with a chainsaw. All you need to do is drill two small holes in the sheet you want to cut, then insert the blade of your chainsaw into these holes and proceed to make your cuts. Remember, using a chainsaw like this will dull your blades faster than normal.
  • Steel– Steel can be very difficult to cut through with a chainsaw. However, it is possible with the right saw and enough patience.
  • Rebar– Because of the thickness and density of rebar, you cannot use a standard chainsaw to cut through it. It may seem like a good idea at first, but you’ll just end up damaging your blade in the process. Instead, opt for a concrete or steel cutting chainsaw.

What Can a Chainsaw Not Cut?

Chainsaws are one of the most versatile and powerful tools in any woodworker’s arsenal. However, there are still some things that a chainsaw cannot cut. Here is a list of materials that a chainsaw cannot cut:

  • Concrete: Concrete is too hard for a chainsaw to penetrate.
  • Stone: Stone is also too hard for a chainsaw to cut through.
  • Metal: Metal will quickly dull or break a saw blade. Some metals, like aluminum, can also be melted by the heat generated from cutting, which can damage the saw.
  • Plastics: Plastics can be cut with a chainsaw, but they will melt rather than being cleanly cut. This can damage both the saw and the plastic piece being Cut.

What can I cut with a chainsaw?

If you’re reading this article, you likely already know the typical materials that can be cut with a chainsaw. After all, most of us use our chainsaws for trimming trees, cutting firewood, and felling dead branches. But did you know there are other materials your chainsaw can easily handle?

These include:

  • Rubber- While many people assume rubber is too soft to cut through with a chainsaw, it actually isn’t. As long as you are careful, your chainsaw should slice through rubber like butter. Just keep in mind that because rubber tends to bind itself around the teeth of your blade after it has been cut (not unlike chewing gum), there may be some cleanup required once you have finished making your cuts.
  • Copper- Despite being one of the softest metals available today, copper does not pose much of a threat to most modern chainsaws due to its high ductility. You shouldn’t experience any issues slicing through sheets of copper no matter what size or power output your machine produces since this type of metal usually bends rather than breaks when put under stress by these machines.
  • Stone- Even though it’s not recommended by many professionals, stone is another material that can be cut with a chainsaw. However, because of the abrasiveness of these materials (which will dull your blades and make them more prone to breaking), you should only attempt to use this tool on softer stones like limestone or marble.

Can a Chainsaw Cut Through Anything?

Chainsaws are one of the most versatile tools you can have in your arsenal. With the right blade, a chainsaw can cut through just about anything. The first thing to consider when trying to cut through something with a chainsaw is the type of blade you’re using.

There are two main types of chainsaw blades: standard and carbide-tipped. Standard blades are made of high-carbon steel and are great for general purpose cutting. Carbide-tipped blades, on the other hand, feature teeth that are tipped with industrial grade carbide.

This makes them much tougher and more durable, able to stand up to tougher cutting jobs. So, what kind of things can a chainsaw actually cut through? Well, pretty much anything that’s made out of wood!

Whether it’s logs for firewood or lumber for construction, a chainsaw can make quick work of even the thickest tree trunk. And if you’re using a carbide-tipped blade, you’ll be able to slice through metal as well! Just keep in mind that cutting through metal will dull your blade much faster than cutting through wood, so you’ll need to sharpen it more often.

Can saw blades cut metal?

Most people have tried to cut metal with a saw at one point in their lives. It can be a frustrating experience since there are a lot of variables that go into getting this task done right. First off, not all metals are created equal. Some metals are softer than others and will cut more easily with less power or force being applied while others require more effort in order to achieve a successful outcome.

The second factor you need to consider is the type of blade you’re using. As we mentioned before, there are many different kinds of saw blades that can be used for cutting metal such as hacksaw blades (which come in both high and low tooth count varieties), reciprocating saw blades, band saw blades etc.

Each one has its own strengths and weaknesses so it’s important to know which blade will work best depending on what kind of material you plan to cut through. For example: if you plan on working primarily with thinner sheets then a bandsaw might be ideal whereas someone who works mostly larger pieces would do well using either an electric miter box or radial arm saw instead.”

Can Chainsaw Cut Metal?

What saw can cut metal?

There are many different types of saws that can be used for cutting metal such as hacksaws, reciprocating saws, band saws etc. Each one has its own strengths and weaknesses so it’s important to know which blade will work best depending on what kind of material you plan to cut through.

For example: if you plan on working primarily with thinner sheets then a bandsaw might be ideal whereas someone who works mostly larger pieces would do well using either an electric miter box or radial arm saw instead.”

Can a Chainsaw Cut Through a Knife?

A chainsaw can, in fact, cut through a knife. However, it is not recommended to do so as it can damage the chainsaw and/or the knife. If you must use a chainsaw to cut through a knife, be sure to use proper safety equipment and follow all safety precautions.


If you’re looking for a quick answer, the short answer is yes, chainsaws can cut metal. However, there are a few things to keep in mind before you start cutting away. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what types of metal chainsaws can cut, how to safely cut metal with a chainsaw, and some tips and tricks for getting the best results.

Chainsaws are designed to cut through wood, so it stands to reason that they can also cut through other materials like metal. The type of chain on your saw will determine what kind of metal it can cut through. For example, if you have a standard wood-cutting chain, it probably won’t be able to handle tougher metals like steel.

You’ll need a special diamond-tipped or carbide-tipped chain to make sure your saw can handle the job. When cutting through any type of metal with your chainsaw, always take safety precautions. Wear gloves and eye protection to guard against flying debris.

Make sure the area around you is clear of anything that could get in the way or be damaged by falling debris. And most importantly, never force the saw; let the blade do the work for you.